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Slots ​


Vue Flow provides several slots for customization. In addition to the node and edge slots (see the guide on nodes and edges), there are a number of other slots you can use to customize the visualization.

Default ​

The default slot can be used to nest elements inside the Vue Flow wrapper <div>. It will not be rendered inside the viewport, meaning it will not receive a transformation for scale or positioning. You can use the default slot to add a sidebar or floating toolbar etc. to your graph.

Connection Line ​

The connection line slot allows you to pass down a custom connection line component, which will be used, when a connection is triggered.

    <template #connection-line="connectionLineProps">
      <CustomConnectionLine v-bind="connectionLineProps" />
    <template #connection-line="connectionLineProps">
      <CustomConnectionLine v-bind="connectionLineProps" />

The full description of connection line props can be found here.

Zoom Pane ​

The zoom pane slot is placed inside the viewport transformation, so that it scales and moves with the current viewport zoom and position.

    <template #zoom-pane>
      <div>Some element inside the zoom pane</div>
    <template #zoom-pane>
      <div>Some element inside the zoom pane</div>

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